Exploring other Parrot Head Clubs
Other Happy Hours
Canyon Lake Parrot Head Club
meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Austin Parrot Head Club
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
San Antonio Parrot Head Club
meets the 3rd Thursday of each month,
Parrot Heads of Port Aransas
4th Thursday of the each month
Padre Island Parrot Heads of CC
Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month
Southern Region Parrot Head Clubs
State City Club Name Website
AR Fayetteville Northwest Arkansas PHC http://www.nwaparrotheads.com
Little Rock Strange Birds of Little Rock http://wwwlrphc.org
LA Baton Rouge Baton Rouge PHC http://brphc.ore
Lake Charles Pelican Coast PHC http://pcphc.org
New Orleans New Orleans PHC http://nophc.com
Shreveport Pirates of the Red http://piratesofthered.com
OK Oklahoma City Central Oklahoma PHA http://www.copa-nut.com
Tulsa Tulsa PHC http://www.tulsaparrotheads.com
Wagoner Wagoner PHC http://www.wagonerparrotheadclub.com
TX Amarillo Panhandle Prairie Sharks http://wwwpanhandleprairiesharks.com
Arlington Lone Star PHC http://www.isphc.com
Austin Austin Texas PHC http://www.atxphc.com
Canyon Lake Canyon Lake PHC http://www.canyonlakephc.com
Conroe Five O'Clock Phlock http://www.5oclockphlock.com
Corpus Christi Padre Island PHC of CC http://www.padreislandparrotheads.com
Houston Houston PHC http://www.hphclub.com
Kemah Galveston Bay PHC http://www.gbphc.com
Lubbock Pirates of the Plains http://www.piratesoftheplainsphc.com
Mabank Cedar Creek Lake PHC http://www.cclphc.org
Nederland Upper Texas Coast PHC http://www.utcparrothead.com
Port Aransas PHs of Port Aransas http://www.portaramsasparrotheads.com
Pottsboro Lake Texoma PHC http://www.texomaparrotheads.org
San Antoino San Antonio PHC http://www.saphc.com
Seguin Seguin PHC http://www.seguinphc.com